Report any crimes committed against you by any group, party, government officials or anyone. Your data will never be given to any third party and your privacy will be protected. These data will only and only be used to protect your human rights.

Arrest from road without legal cause and asking for money or ransom

If you are arrested from road without any warrant and legal stand, report here

Checking mobile violating privacy

If you encounter with a situation where your mobile was checked without any complain against you, report here

Case built against you with false allegations by police

If you were charged with false allegations by police and released later on, report here. Also, if you are now in police custody facing similar situation where you are charged with false allegation, report here

Arresting and presenting children below 18 years old to adult court, and violation of child rights

If you are a minor of age below 18 and were treated with handcuffs as well as any treatment that violates child rights, report here

Block raid by armed forces with violation of any human rights

If you encounter a situation where your home was raided by forces and any kind of human rights violation occurred, report here

Direct attack on protestig students violating rules of law or constitutions

It you were protesting peacefully and you were encountered with any excessive or abusive force such as beating, slangs, rubber bullets, real bullets etc. which violates law, report here

Unlawful abduction of common people by police or any party

If you were abducted by police or any third party and tortured, report here

Protection of crimes of government-backed organization by police

If you have solid proof of government-backed student organiztion attacking people while police standing nearby doing nothing or protecting the attacker, report here

Any unlawful guest room culture or torture

If you were tortured or detained for hours in guest room at university hall, or forced to join march, report here

Any sharp weapon used against you or direct attack on you by any student organization

If you were beaten or wounded with sharp weapon by a students or party member of any government backed student organization which was not given justice, report here

Attacks on minority people of the country

If you belong to minority group of the country and you were attacked, or your properties were burnt, destroyed or looted, report here